Friday, July 13, 2012

In the line of fire - heavy thoughts & getting to Santo Domingo

Wow! The past days were heavy. We had harsh discussions, flights in strong winds and also were we experiencing the beauty of the morning landscape. Probably its a ll part of the game!

On my side the questions arose and remains:
did I underestimate the game? Did I do my part too selfish? I was ready to leave yesterday. Its usually day 12 before friday,13 that made occasionally the biggest trouble in my life whenever it occurred.

Well, there is the technical part: I hate paramotoring but I do not see any other choice to receive an aerial image of the path, to combine both elements. I always said of paragliding that it is not a sport to me but a means of perception. I am a philosopher and an experimentator of life and its circumstances. With all the good and the bad consequences. With all the prsent state of mind that man can develop due to outer reasons that hide from understanding. I brought them in, too, and I was completely misunderstood.

I appreciate the energy of my companion Ales and his girlfriend Hanka, both are behind the idea like hell but both are totally into paramotoring. I don't.
The second thing is that I always feel like a beginner that cannot (for the time being and the time is running...) launch independently on the way and needs others help.
And I come from the most independant way of flying - the solo bivouac flight.

My problem therefor is - to agree with others and swallow different circumstances and that the game is not in my hands. It is played by Ales and Hanka who have invested more,much more than I.
I know it and I had never agreed to play a smaller role in such a game. But thats the point: will I accept it or not? Can I live with it? We are, after all, human, and we are so different.
But still one thing we all invest, and thats our life.

And also I must confess and clearly state that without Werner it would not be possible too. He is the one contact I made and brought in who brings the necessary support: the helping hand and the vehicle to carry the trike and all the rest. Without him, Pilgrim-Flight would remain a mere idea or a chaos ending quickly. With my Kangoo I don't have enough space to help transporting all the amount of materials. Its him who is there and who brought in some aid money as well.

Thanx, Werner, you are a little big man!

And there is cameraman Dominik who finally joined us at Logrono. Dominik will do his best to make a great film. And I will discuss with him the scenarios worthy to be part of the film.

So thats the situation. I hate to be a beginner of something though I involuntarily agreed to that role accepting paramotoring.I don't know what will be on. I had harsh discussion with Weener and Ales and Hanka hates me. Too many misunderstandings. But they don't know me, they see only what I showed and that was not good.

From Puente la Reina I marched my motorglider to Lorca and found a great place to sleep and launch. Ales joined in on the morning of july, 10 and we started immediately, but he had to return due to motor problems while I went to Sansol, thinking it was Viana. I landed on a good launch field and was waiting for the crew.

Werner went to pick up Dominik and joined me. My right ankle looked bad and a doctor told me not to use it for walking a couple of days. I spent the night in the local pilgrim hostal and the next morning Ales came flying to land in and help me relaunch.

Day 11: I launched and went to Oiya only. A sudden noise in the air followed by a loud crack and a pitch of the glider. My exhaust had broken and I was forced to land. The others came to check and we went back towards the outskirts of Logrono where we camped near a bird sanctuary and had a great opportunity to launch in the evening again. Ales prepared the auxiliary engine for himself and gave me his paramotor.

At 21h the wind picked up again and I was afraid that it will be unflyable soon. Ales helped me starting but I missed to just fly turns for the trike already being launched with Dominik filming.
So I climbed immediately to 2200 altitude (1700 mts above ground level) and crossed the Ebro river towards Najera but the engine stopped. The follwing glide brought me towards Sote a village past Navarrete and I hit extremely turbulent air that brought me to decide for an emergency landing in the middle of vine yards on a field. I did send my coordinates to Hanka who was doing retrievel.
Unfortunately we started disupting about the informations and found each other in the middle of the night on a roundabout with Hanka in extremely bad mood.
After my return I was turned upside down by the discussion following and had not much in return but to apologize and ask for a day off to reconsider.

This day today Ales flew an amazing 60 kms (he had nearly no sleep) and not knowing that he would not have another option. He landed at Reconcillo after Santo Domingo.
I woke up late and had a soft morning to recover my energies. With Werner and Dominik we went to Santo Domingo by car to do necessary shoppings and then to join Ales and Hanka.

I have decided for me one thing:
this is not a competition. I will carry the equipment when I feel strong enough and carry what I can carry depending on my physical shape. Because this expedition is anyway not possible without support vehicles that carry spare parts and our other stuff. So in any case we will never be able to carry all by ourselves. Trying to do so while having support vehicles sounds like the ridiculous attempt of looking like sportsmen. If it would be a bivoac flight with no engine and the light gear available I agree but not in the case of a motor flight. Our expedition is unique enough already and we have carried enough. I am not Superman and I do not need to convince people about my capacities. The bigger challenge is the human challenge - besides of the weather - to form a team and keep it alive until the end! Then, only then, it would become more than a dream!

And maybe thats exactly what the "Camino" is wanting of all of us: to get beyond our whatsover limits in the mind. we will see. Look at the pics....

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